You drank because you’re an alcoholic. That’s what we do. Who fucking cares the reason. Just fucking do it. Just fucking GET SOBER.

The more time we spend pondering WHY we drank (or WHY we are still drinking), the closer we are to fucking death. Period.

Look, you can go into depth about the whys and whatnot do that in stepwork, but for now, just don’t fucking think. 

That’s where we get ourselves into trouble— we think too fucking much.

Relapse only becomes a problem when it KILLS us. So, as long as you’re still sucking air, it’s not too late to get sober. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, just fucking get back up.

Addiction/alcoholism is not a game. I don’t think you’re laughing at this point. And if you ARE, maybe this would be a good time to up your meds because you’re fucking crazy. And crazy people like you and me need fucking REALITY CHECKS— consider this one yours. You’ll either get sober or you won’t. Period. You are the ONLY one who can make that choice— not your mom; not your dad; not your wife or husband; not your kids or your best friend— YOU have to make that choice to get sober.

Nobody is going to fucking save your ass— you have to save yourself. Now, get to it. I believe in your ass and I fucking love you.