I’m so grateful to have such a healthy child. Donnie hardly ever gets sick and if he does get a bug, it’s literally gone in 1.5 days! Donnie will be 3-years old on November 9, 2020 and he’s had a fever like twice in his life! Donnie got a tiny bug at daycare 2 weeks ago (just runny nose and a tiny, sporadic cough) and I caught it from him a few days later. Shit, man, I’m STILL fucking sick!!! Lol— goin’ on day 8 now. Ugh…..well, I have a severely chronic bacterial sinus infection that’s been a stage 4 clinger for the past 4 fucking years. Whenever I get the slightest bug, my sinuses flare up (even more than they are “normally”) and I’m down for the count for like 2 weeks. It fucking sucks. That’s why I like quarantine so much— I don’t see fucking ANYONE and I’m perfectly content. Ahhhhh, isolation, I love you.

I digress…..back to me being grateful for my son’s pristine health. I was scrolling through Insta earlier this evening (one of my most favorite pastimes) and I saw a video of a dad shaving his little girl’s head— she looked about 2.5-years old or so. It said something like, “Her hair has been falling out in chunks…..” I EXITED RIGHT OUT OF INSTA. I CANNOT WATCH KIDS WHO ARE SICK OR HURT. Dude, it fucking traumatizes me. The little girl on the video was smiling as her dad shaved her head. Fuck, man. What STRONG parents!!! What a STRONG little girl! OMG. I didn’t even watch 10 seconds of that video to get that message. Damn, just damn. Watching that video made me so thankful and grateful to have such a healthy child.

I’ve seen some SICK kids, man— like, SICK, SICK and it’s absolutely terrifying. Now that I’m a parent, I totally understand the level of LOVE a parent has for their child— my LOVE for Donnie is all-encompassing……my LOVE for Donnie is ENORMOUS!!!— MY LOVE FOR DONNIE IS AS BIG AS GOD’S ARMS!— ENDLESS! I’m imagining God’s arms are never-ending!!! Well, the GOOD parents, like myself, LOVE their children. The piece of shit parents, well, they can go eat a bag of dicks.

YAY!!! And on THAT note, I think I’ll bid you adieu! Love ya’ll!