Posts tagged grateful

On Friday, I was at my son’s daycare, waiting to pick him up. Whilst practicing my 6 ft social distancing, I stood back behind the check-in front gate and that’s when I overheard THIS CONVERSATION between a son and his mom. Her son sadly said, “It was Halloween costume day!” And his mom quickly replied, “I didn’t know.”

Wow. That hurt! She just completely dismissed him. Didn’t know?? Jesus, there were signs plastered EVERYWHERE!! Slacker mom. Poor kid. Yeah, she had

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I’ve had a range of emotions today. My day was really going great and then earlier this evening Kahlua straight-up peed on the rug downstairs. WTF?? She hasn’t peed on the carpet like that since she was 6 months old!— when I first got her!! I let her out like a million times, so I don’t know what happened. Maybe she just really

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We had SUCH an awesome Monday! Donnie and I went out for a BIG ADVENTURE to Old Navy!! Whooo hooo! We haven’t been to a clothing store in 8 months!! Donnie has an absolute BLAST! I’m telling, ya, THIS is what life is ALL ABOUT!! — Spending quality time with my son whilst he’s having a blast dancing to the blues music at Old Navy! I love this little guy so much, y’all. My heart is filled with so much joy and love. I’m so blessed and so grateful God gave me such a perfect child. Thank you, God. Thank you.

Here are a couple videos from our outing today! Enjoy!

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They said— “You need to leave him— he’s no good for you.” “He’s a drunk. You can do better.” “Move on with your life— forget about him.” “You’re going to die if you stay with him.”

It doesn’t matter what you think about my relationship with the man I love. I followed my heart. I followed my intuition. And because of that, I now have my son. I knew for a fact that I

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I’m so grateful to have such a healthy child. Donnie hardly ever gets sick and if he does get a bug, it’s literally gone in 1.5 days! Donnie will be 3-years old on November 9, 2020 and he’s had a fever like twice in his life! Donnie got a tiny bug at daycare 2 weeks ago (just runny nose and a tiny, sporadic cough) and I caught it from him a few days later. Shit, man, I’m STILL fucking sick!!! Lol— goin’ on day 8 now. Ugh…..well, I have a severely chronic bacterial sinus infection that’s been a stage 4 clinger for the past 4 fucking years. Whenever I get the slightest bug, my sinuses flare up (even more than they are “normally”) and I’m down for the count for like 2 weeks. It fucking sucks. That’s why I like quarantine so much— I don’t see fucking ANYONE and I’m perfectly content. Ahhhhh, isolation, I love you.

I digress…..back to me being grateful for my son’s pristine health. I was scrolling through

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Check out how I’m spending my Friday night!! 😮😮😮

😮 I called 911 on these drunk (and/or high) fuckers tonight. They crashed into the curb on the road in front of my home— they hopped the curb, took flight and blew out their front passenger tire.

We get a TON of drunks taking this sharp turn WAY too fast— this is not the first vehicle to wreck here.

Their vehicle was dangerously broken down right in the middle of the road— their vehicle could easily cause ANOTHER wreck sitting there like that!


✅ Police Officers 👮‍♀️ arrived on

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