Posts tagged i love my son

IT’S ABOUT MAKING MY SOBRIETY A TOP PRIORITY. IT’S ABOUT TAKING FUCKING ACTION. So, tonight I went to an online zoom AA meeting— I had to— I needed to— I was sooo fucking irritated today. I did not want to continue being an asshole to my son. I’m just burnt the fuck out. I’m going to bed waaaaay too late, then I’m utterly exhausted when I wake up early the next morning. Yes, I KNOW I need to go to bed earlier…..BUT I want some downtime for myself. I want time to dick around on my

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On Friday, I was at my son’s daycare, waiting to pick him up. Whilst practicing my 6 ft social distancing, I stood back behind the check-in front gate and that’s when I overheard THIS CONVERSATION between a son and his mom. Her son sadly said, “It was Halloween costume day!” And his mom quickly replied, “I didn’t know.”

Wow. That hurt! She just completely dismissed him. Didn’t know?? Jesus, there were signs plastered EVERYWHERE!! Slacker mom. Poor kid. Yeah, she had

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“I don’t know how you do it.” — I can’t tell you how many times people have said this to me. You know how I do it?— I think of my son and what he needs to have a beautiful, great life. Everything I do, I do it for Donnie. Donnie inspires me to be my best self— how cool is that? 🖤 Had to take a break there— Kahlua just peed on the carpet!! Wtf?? When I let her out to

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We had SUCH an awesome Monday! Donnie and I went out for a BIG ADVENTURE to Old Navy!! Whooo hooo! We haven’t been to a clothing store in 8 months!! Donnie has an absolute BLAST! I’m telling, ya, THIS is what life is ALL ABOUT!! — Spending quality time with my son whilst he’s having a blast dancing to the blues music at Old Navy! I love this little guy so much, y’all. My heart is filled with so much joy and love. I’m so blessed and so grateful God gave me such a perfect child. Thank you, God. Thank you.

Here are a couple videos from our outing today! Enjoy!

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I used to write a lot of poetry. I started writing poetry probably when I was about 15-years old. I would enter poetry contests… was really fun and I really enjoyed it. I forgot how much I loved writing. I have not been writing much (for pleasure) because……here comes the slew of excuses…..but they’re GOOD excuses! Listen! Depression, anxiety and just extreme exhaustion have been the monkeys on my back. Those bitches weigh me down and make me want to be mindLESS instead of mindFUL. Fuck those bitches. Writing is so therapeutic for me and I need a positive outlet for stress management…..especially now……a lot of

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