I decided to write my own memes. It’s fun and scary— I love to write, but I’m also scared that some of my memes will “flop”. And guess what?? That’s a part of the process— for EVERYTHING in life. You try; you do well; you don’t do so well; you fall down; you get back up; you succeed! Everything is a process and we must go through it to get to that SWEET SPOT. So, sure, some memes will flop, but some (hopefully most!!) will do great! And I’ve got a lot of positive responses from them so far! I just started posting my original memes today!

That bullshit thought in my head is— “If my meme is rejected (doesn’t get likes), then people are rejecting me and my writing skills— and they think I’m a horrible Writer.”

Yeah, wow. Nowhere near the truth. Fuck, it feels good to look at those words of self doubt and realize that they are 💯 not true. I’m an excellent Writer with an amazing talent— I know this to be true. I seriously wish that negative self talk would fuck off forever.

So, here are some of my memes! Enjoy!
