Posts tagged fear of rejection

If I talk to you over the phone, know that you are special to me and I value you. I let VERY FEW people in my world because this is boy safe place— my home, my mind and my son are scared. I had a great conversation with one of my friends tonight— she’s bomb. I love talking depth and soul— and add some dark humor in there to keep us from not stabbing people with a fork (ok, maybe that’s just me).

We spoke about whether this world we live in is a matrix. At first, I was like

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I decided to write my own memes. It’s fun and scary— I love to write, but I’m also scared that some of my memes will “flop”. And guess what?? That’s a part of the process— for EVERYTHING in life. You try; you do well; you don’t do so well; you fall down; you get back up; you succeed! Everything is a process and we must go through it to get to that SWEET SPOT. So, sure, some memes will flop, but some (hopefully most!!) will do great! And I’ve got a lot of positive responses from them so far! I just started posting my original memes today!

That bullshit thought in my head is

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